IELTS Learning



口语对于我来说是最难的部分,不仅仅有社恐的因素,还有 oral speaking 的语速问题(over 120 words per minute is standard)。

  • 特别要注意的是口音并不太重要,重要的是 例子!!栗子!!真实例子!! 不管是part 1,part 2,还是part 3,都需要例子,只不过每个part 的例子各有区别罢了。区别后面讲。
  • 不能有太多的停顿,一个问题最多两个停顿,多了就有可能扣分,再多些考官就会cut you out,然后你的心态就可能会崩,导致后面答题的状态,引发蝴蝶效应。
  • 注意时间限制,part one和part three 一个问题回答一分钟左右,没有准备时间!!!part two 有一分钟的准备时间,给一张纸让考生写提示词,讲述时可以看。

Part 1

在part 1 时,举例子只用举自己的轻身例子,并用第一人称讲述。讲述时,时态讲错了不用管,因为不重要,重要的是要讲述具体细节

  • 例如,说出去吃饭时要说清楚和谁去(who),为什么去(why),什么时候去的(when),去哪里吃(where),吃的什么类型的餐厅的什么菜(what),心情如何(how),即6W要素

  • eg. I usually hang out with my best friend, Tom, to have a big meal on weekends in a shopping centre like the Coastal City in Nan Shan district in Shenzhen because the food in school’s canteen is tasteless. And we always go to the Green Tea restaurant there, a famous chinese restaurant, for having some crispy chicken, spicy tofu, or the boiled Fish with Sichuan pickles. That really makes me a happy mood to face the disgusting food next week in school.

在上面的例子中,我每提出一个概念都给出了解释或是具体的事物。 例如,friend 是Tom,a shopping centre 是深圳南山区的海岸城the Coastal City,the Green Tea restaurant 是一家中餐厅 。以上就是我所说的具体细节,就是得分要点。没有细节口语就不可能上6分,只有5分。

Part 2

在part 2 时,也要举亲身经历,题目怎么问就怎么答,讲出具体细节就可以了。准备时,最好四十秒写提示词,二十秒再在脑中过一遍,以免出现太多停顿。

例如题目:Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

You should say, what you do, when it became your daily routine, whether you will change it in the future, and explain why you enjoy it


  • The daily routine I am going to tell you about is that I jog at around 6 pm nearly every afternoon. At that time, the sun has already started sinking, but the darkness has not fallen, creating a mild temperature. Right next to my community is a huge park stretching over 2 kilometers, which is a perfect place to run around. Sometimes, I would also go to the stadium several blocks away. It has a standard 400-meter track, enabling me to precisely calculate the distance and speed.

  • I developed this habit several months ago when I accidentally caught Xiaoming doing some warm-up activities at the side of the street on my way back from the library. I pulled over my electric bicycle and asked what he was doing. He said he was going to start his daily jogging and invited me to jog together. I thought, why not. But what I did not expect was that I overestimated my stamina. After one kilometer, I felt I could not breathe and had to give up. But since then, I have jogged with him almost every day.

  • I do not think I will change this daily routine in the near future because it has substantially improved my health. Before I jogged, I suffered from sub-health resulting from my sedentary lifestyle. I felt tightness in my chest now and then, my back and waist ached, and I could not help panting after climbing only two floors. But now, these problems rarely surface.

  • Apart from the health benefits I have mentioned, I enjoy jogging because it can soothe my tense nerves. You know, it helps me concentrate on my breaths and steps and thus temporarily escape from all the troubles.


Part 3

在part 3 时,回答的方式和part 1 差不多,只是第一人称要换成第三人称,如the people,they,them和their。讲述时按照OREO的方法就可以了,讲述时间不能超过1分钟,40秒就足够了。举例的时候,只用举一个就可以了,越详细越好。

例如:Q do people’s routines differ on weekdays and weekends?


  • The routines on weekdays are regular but routines on weekends are not. (opinion)
  • (reason)
  • For example, people have to go to school or go to the workplace at 7 am every weekday and have lunch at 12 o’clock, and they had to stay at school or work place until at about 6 PM. But on the weekends, people can get up late at around 11am if they want, having a big meal in the restaurant like the green tea restaurant for the crispy chicken and spicy tofu. And they can go home at any time they want.(example)
  • so the routines on weekends are flexible but on weekdays are stricted.(opinion)


  • 背景(一句话)

  • 4、5个 actions ————>good example

    2、3个 actions————>small example

  • 结果,the end

    例如:Describe the word “patience” .


  • If a naughty kid is making noise, laughing and shouting, in a public place like the library named the Book City in Nan Shan district in Shenzhen and his parents are not there (background),
  • I will not get mad at him or punch on his face. I will first grab his hands to stop him from running around the whole place, and tell him to be quiet. (actions)
  • Then, I will send him to his parents to tell about his bad behavour, to make sure that he will not make noise in the public any more. (the end)
  • 注:加粗为 actions




  • 填空题 (sentence completion 和 short answer question)
  • 判断题 (T/F/NG 和 T/N/NG)
  • 选择题 (multiple choice)


  • 人物匹配题 (matching features)
  • 中心句匹配题 (matching headings)
  • 信息匹配题 (matching information)



  • 做信息匹配题时,要先读题,思考题目中的关键词会替换成什么。
  • 人物匹配题和信息匹配题出现NB时,代表有一个人会被选两次,或有一段会选两个信息。




  • 流程图
  • 数据图




  • 信息转述(Introduction)
  • 总述(overview)
  • 特点一(feature one)
  • 特点二(feature two)


  • 信息转述(introduction)
  • 一方面(1st side)
  • 另一方面(2nd side)
  • 总结(conclusion)



  • 填空题
  • 选择题(单/多)
  • 地图题


  • 同义替换,一般与答案一起出现
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